It’s been a couple of weeks of wall-to-wall sunshine here in London Town, and it was positively hot today. It’s also been a couple of weeks of itchy eyes, streaming nose and sleepless nights. Apparently tree pollen is the culprit this early in the year, and this year it is particularly severe. Hey ho, life is all about balance, right? Can’t have it all sunshine and rainbows!
As I was suffering from tree pollen allergy, we decided to take a walk in a wood. Highgate Wood, in north London, is a beautiful area of woodland with lots of trees, a cafe, big grassy area and kids’ play area. Here is a photo of lots of trees.

None of these seemed to be releasing any pollen, and in fact my tree fever was not any worse in the wood – happy days.
Lots of joggers out and about. I also spotted and avoided one of the children in my class.

Next week it is due to cool down and get a bit cloudier. Looking forward to that.